Hajj and Umrah Kamil 1.5
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It ensures the correct and an authenticate way of performing Hajj and Umrah according to Sunnah, as required. The Holy Prophet (during his Hajj) said to Sahaba: "Learn from me your rites (of Pilgrimage).… (Hadith)". It will thus make your Hajj easy and that what actually is desired.
It provides source references of all relevant Ahadith on each and every rite / ritual (act) of the pilgrimage, besides highlighting those activities that are not supported, by Quran or any hadith; rather are just followed as innovation, custom or tradition: making the Hajj Process unduly difficult. A Pilgrim (Hajji) can thus refrain from such un-desired activities (Bidaat); that create undue difficulties in the whole Hajj Process, thereby harming others also